Thursday, May 26, 2005

Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you.

I'm so tired it's hard to really comprehend. I've done eight of the overnights up at church, and it's messed with my sleep schedule so much it's absurd. Instead of 2, maybe 3 AM until a little before noon, I go from about 11 PM until about 6:30 AM. Doesn't work out so well. As a result, I've become more of a coffee drinker in the last three weeks than I've ever been before. Enh.

I've been on the front page of the Boston Globe, above the fold no less. I've been on local television, lead story, and been quoted in no fewer than a half-dozen articles in the local paper, one of which prompted Archdiocesan response. Power of the press.

Of course, the craziness up there has put me behind on the data entry work I'm doing. I'm trying to catch up this week, but it's monotonous, tedious work. I'm gonna have to put in some serious hours Friday and Monday after my games.

Speaking of which, this weekend is going to be tough. 12 games in three days - most I've had in a couple years. Thankfully, most are on the line, which involves less running and gives me the chance to call the offside rule to the best of my abilities. I feel like I know that rule better than at least half of the refs I work with, and I want to prove it.

Seen Star Wars twice. Neither time was it planned. Enh.

I love how this entry here is starting to sound very much like my column for this week. I'll throw that link in here when I see that it's up.

I'd write more, but I don't have anything to say. Oh well.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

And all I ever learned from love...

Apparently I don't add to this site frequently enough to satisfy whatever readers I have. (Yeah, you know who you are...) So, even if only for this one time, I'm going to completely ignore my whole 'this isn't a what-do-I-do' page and write about just that.

Most of my time has been at home, some of it doing work. 'Work' would consist of typing up brochures and manuals designed for promoting tradeshows. It's stuff that someone my father knows needs in a Word document format. It's just taking what's in front of me and typing it up - I can do it pretty quickly, it's just mind-numbing. It's also kinda dumb, as the stuff I'm typing seems like it'd be obvious to even the most naive first-time exhibitor. But hey, this will pay about as well as refereeing does for me. (And that pays DAMN well - average of 22 bucks for a game, and I typically do three in a weekend. That's not even counting the big Memorial Day Tournament, where I can get as many as 15 in a three-day period. Refereeing can be very lucrative.)

Speaking of which, I'm not sure I'm going to be refereeing for too much longer. My interest in it has just waned to the point where I've actually thought about giving it up, a position which, only a couple of years ago, was unthinkable. It's primarily the aggravation of dealing with coaches I can't tolerate, assignors who seem like they're out to get me (and I hope they're not), and other officials who just don't give a damn about convenience. Yes, it pays very well, but it's not a career, it's not something I want to do forever, and it's just not seeming to be worth the amount of time and energy I put into it. I don't know.

Within the next 72 hours (I'm not allowed to disclose exactly when.) my church will begin its prayerful vigil. We will take control of the church and inhabit it 24/7 until the Archdiocese presents us with a solution to the problem of insufficient churches in North Framingham. St. Albert's is pushing 10 months, and St. Anselm is going on 9, so we know we can do this. The Archdiocese is terrified that we will go on vigil, because they know that we can play the media. And that's exactly what we're going to do. No vigil that has sustained past the first 24 hours has failed.
